JUUL Virginia Tobacco Pod- 1 Piece

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JUUL Virginia Tobacco Pod- 1 Piece


Virginia Tobacco is JUUL’s name for a classic tobacco flavor. It’s an American blend-style tobacco that is the best seller of all the flavors. The reason for this is simple, though. The JUUL is mainly used by people who are new to vaping. They are likely to have been used to smoking actual tobacco more recently, so this flavor makes them feel more at home. If you’re not a fan of sweeter flavors (as most of the other JUUL pod flavors are), then you can’t go wrong with JUUL Virginia Tobacco pods.

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  • Pack of  Each JUUL pod
  • Virginia Tobacco flavor (classic tobacco)
  • Each pod delivers around 200 puffs before it needs changing
  • Each pod contains 0.7ml of pre-filled nicotine salt e-liquid


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